为了加强主办方间的交流与合作、大力开拓越南及亚太市场、宣传和推介ASGA 2017越南展、邀请更多越南本地及国际观众来参加展会、项目洽谈或产品采购等活动,ASGA 2017越南展组委会一行6人于2016年12月6-10日赴越南胡志明市进行了工作访问、参观考察及推广介绍。此次考察以中国网印及制像协会(CSGIA)理事长沈春燕为代表,三天的考察取得了丰硕的
In order to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between organizers, vigorously develop Vietnam and Asia-Pacific markets, promote and promote ASGA 2017 in Vietnam, invite more local and international visitors from Vietnam to participate in the exhibition, project negotiation or product procurement activities. ASGA 2017 Vietnam Pavilion The delegation of 6 people in December 2016 December 6 to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for a working visit, study tours and promotion introduction. The visit was represented by Shen Chunyan, chairman of China Screen Printing and Imaging Association (CSGIA), and achieved remarkable results in the three days