随着我国加入WTO,我国经济融入世界经 济一体化的进程加快,电子商务、物流、供应链 管理是当前经济发展的必然趋势。供应链中任何 一个环节都将关系到企业的正常运行,其中仓储 设备的更新换代和仓储管理是个非常重要的环 节。作为现代仓储物流的重要组成部分,自动货 柜的先进性与强大的功能已为越来越多的用户所 认识,得到越来越多用户的使用。
With China’s accession to the WTO, the process of China’s economic integration into the world economy is accelerating. E-commerce, logistics and supply chain management are the inevitable trends in the current economic development. Any part of the supply chain will be related to the normal operation of enterprises, including storage equipment replacement and storage management is a very important part. As an important part of modern warehousing and logistics, the advanced features and powerful functions of automatic containers have been recognized by more and more users and used by more and more users.