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  雪碧(饮料)Sprite 小妖精,调皮鬼
  乐百氏(饮料)Robust 健壮的
  金利来(领带)Goldlion 金狮子
  司麦脱(衬衫)Smart 潇洒的
  舒肤佳(香皂)Safeguard 保护者
  纳爱斯(香皂)Nice 美好的
  英克莱(自行车)Incline 喜爱
  四通(打字机)Stone 石头
  汰渍(洗衣粉)Tide 潮流
  雷达(电蚊香)Raid 袭击,搜捕
  飘柔(洗发水)Rejoice 欣喜
  立士洁(卫生纸)Luxury 奢侈品
  富绅(衬衫)Virtue 美德
  绅浪(服装)Sunland 太阳地
  苏泊尔(压力锅)Super 特级品
  天能(领带)Talent 天才
  爱多(无绳电话)Idle 闲着的
  雅戈尔(衬衫)Younger 更年轻的
  美登高(冰淇淋)Meadowgold 金草地
  耐克(运动品牌)Nike 胜利女神
  捷安特(自行车)Giant 巨人
  (Annabel 供稿)
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  B.M.W.是宝马公司全称“Bayerische Motoen WerkeAG”的缩写,即巴伐利亚汽车制造厂。宝马汽车公司是以生产航空发动机开始创业的,因此标志(蓝白二色将中间圆形分割为四等份)上的蓝色为天空,白色为螺旋桨。蓝白标记对称图形同时也是公司所在地巴伐利亚州的州徽。
印度孩子的生活是怎样的呢?我们访问了今年11岁、来自一个印度小村庄的阿桑·库马尔·塔库尔。一起来看看阿桑是怎样度过充实的一天吧。    5 A.M. When it is hot, I sleep out in our   courtyard[院子] to stay cool. I am always awake early because the birds make a lot of nois
I once told my friend, in reference to[提及] the   animated cut-scenes of Persona 3, that it was “downright[彻底的] criminal[可耻的] that Atlus has not   expanded them into a full anime series.”  Well, my wis
nce a week, Patrick Dempsey, 42, sends the 1)flutter of hearts as Dr. Derek “McDreamy”   Shepherd on 2)ABC’s popular drama, Grey’s Anatomy. Playing the role of a handsome 3)neurosurgeon, he’s made the
had a childhood friend who taught me several lessons that I’ll never forget. His name was Jim and he was a dreamer. He always liked to think up new ways of doing things and had a way of bringing other
翻译:王冰清  Taiwan at a Glance  Taiwan is an island of about 36,000 square kilometers located off the southeastern coast of Mainland China, southwest of Okinawa[冲绳岛] and north of Philippines[菲律宾]. Shaped
按照性质分类,公司可分为很多种,如航空公司、百货公司、广告公司等。中文的说法很简单,只需“公司”两个字便全部囊括,可是在英语中,不同性质的公司却有不同的说法。现在就为大家奉上一份丰盛的公司“大杂烩”!    Line(s) (轮船、航空、航运等)公司  Atlantic Container Line 大西洋集装箱海运公司  Hawaiian Air Lines夏威夷航空公司  Agency 公司、
事隔多月,我们似乎已经开始淡忘“陕西华南虎”这曾经轰动一时的事件了。然而,我们已本着天罗地网似的怀疑精神来审视这个世界—任何一样东西都有可能是造假炒作,就连新闻媒体也有嫌疑。我们平时看到的电视新闻又有多少是“造”出来的呢?小编这就带你一同探究电视新闻的幕后  工作……    Telling the viewers they are seeing something when they are ac
It’s one of Holy Grails of the technology business, bringing  the explosion of video on the Internet on to television sets. But so far, the growing array[大批] hardware devices that let users watch onli
Agra, once the capital of the Mughal Empire during  the 16th and early 18th centuries, is one and a half hours by express train from New Delhi. Tourists from all over the world visit Agra not to see t