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中国马术能和奥运会挂上钩的,就是2004年两人次冲击雅典奥运会预选赛失利。如果没有北京2008年奥运会,中国骑手想站在奥运会的马术赛场上还是个遥远的梦想,因为想靠打预选赛拿到奥运入场券,中国骑手要有世锦赛前五名的水平。对于马术运动处于起步阶段的中国,这显然并不现实。但是东道主的身份给中国马术带来了转机,中国队可以获得6张入场券,条件是在奥运达标赛上通过及格线。即便如此,这6张入场券真的那么好拿吗? Chinese equestrian and the Olympic Games linked to the two people in 2004, the impact of the Athens Olympic Games defeat. If there is no Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Chinese rider wants to stand on the equestrian arena in the Olympic Games. It is still a distant dream because he wants to win Olympic tickets by playing the qualifier. The Chinese rider must have the top five world championships. This is clearly not realistic for China, where the equestrian sport is in its infancy. However, the identity of the host brings a turning point to China’s equestrian events. The Chinese team can get 6 tickets on the condition that they pass the pass at the Olympic Qualifying Tournament. Even so, these 6 tickets really so good to take it?
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