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边陲龙江,神美自然。“北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘……”毛主席一首《沁园春·雪》不仅定格了龙江神美的特质,而且引起无数国内外宾朋对黑龙江的向往。春季登山、踏青;夏季避暑、养生;秋赏烂漫五花山色;冬季赏雪、滑冰。黑龙江正在根据省委、省政府实施北国风光特色旅游发展战略的要求,全面打造“世界冰雪旅游名都”、 Bian Jian Longjiang, God the United States and nature. “The scenery of the Northland, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles Xuepeng ...... ” Chairman Mao a “Patio Spring snow” not only fixed the characteristics of Longjiang Shenmei, but also caused numerous 宾朋 at home and abroad yearning for Heilongjiang. Spring mountaineering, outing; summer summer, health; autumn reward brilliant green; winter snow, ice skating. Heilongjiang is in accordance with the requirements of the provincial party committee and government of the province in implementing the strategy of developing scenic tourism in North China and building “the name of the world’s ice and snow tourism” in an all-round way.
摘 要:我们党在不断进行思想理论建设的同时,也存在着一些不容忽视问题。本文就此展开探讨。  关键词:思想理论建设;存在;问题及对策  中图分类号:D26 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1003-949X(2014)-07-0049-01  一、思想理论建设中存在的问题  (一)经济发展压力大,对思想理论建设重视不够  从整体上看,党的思想理论工作自上而下呈现阶梯性递减递弱趋势。在一些地方和一些领导干部