eBay网站开通近20年来,数以百万的人们用eBay来赚取额外收入。还有数以百万的人们(包括我本人)用eBay购买不需要的东西并把家里塞得满满当当——我买的东西包括10双艾玛·霍普(Emma Hope)靴子,一把弹簧断了的维多利亚式扶手椅和一把红木小木槌。对我们所有人来说,这个拍卖网站是一个能获取各种东西的地方:利润、消遣、兴奋、失望、转移情绪,还有教育。eBay的最后一种作用是我们最少谈及的,但也许是最重
eBay Website Opens Millions of people use eBay to earn extra revenue for nearly two decades. Millions of people (myself included) use eBay to buy unwanted stuff and stuff their home - my purchases include 10 pairs of Emma Hope boots and a spring break Victorian armchairs and a mahogany gavel. For all of us, this auction site is a place where everything is available: profit, pastime, excitement, disappointment, transfer of emotions, and education. eBay’s last role is the least we talk about, but perhaps the heaviest