Around the judicial review of mining ties, Kaufman will deductive, induction, 骈 push with the class linked system. Among them, the deduction as a servant, than the class is the head, summarized adjuvant, 骈 push protect innocence. Deduction in the trial training and persuasion of the total system is Concorde yuan. The end of Kaufman’s induction is the reorganization of the old law. Its innovation is to persuade the three-tier. His contribution is connected and deduced by logical organization. Kaufman believes that the essence of the process of Fa Cai mining is not logic, but more. The similarities between the promulgation of the ordinance and the logical organization in the judiciary lie in its base of comparison. After examining Kaufman’s comparison of points, the red line between the two fields can not be obliterated. Kauffman believed that the major contribution of Kaufman was to introduce the category into the general organization of trial Chen, which is the original province and the third after the verdict. On the basis of the discussion, for the class set two quasi-line.