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寓言式小说兴起于50年代中期,此后便在欧美当代文学中层出不穷,寓言编撰家们甚至已成为实验派中的一支劲旅,英国作家威廉·戈尔丁获得1983年度诺贝尔文学奖是显著例证。然而,当1952年意大利作家意大洛·卡尔维洛首次发表寓言小说《分成两半的子爵》时,人们愕然,在惊奇与迷惑之中承认这是标新立异之作。卡尔维诺当称寓言编撰家的先驱,《子爵》可谓寓言小 Since the rise of fable novel in the mid-1950s, it has been emerging in contemporary European and American literature. Allegory compilers have even become a powerful force in experimentalism. The British writer Wilhelm Golding won the 1983 Nobel Prize for Literature . However, when the Italian writer Italiano Palo Calvario first published the fable in mid-1952, “Viscount in half,” people were stunned, surprised and confused, to admit that it was something new and different. Calvino as a forerunner of fable compilers, “Viscount” is a fable
【课文寻踪】  李白平生酷爱旅游,在漫游和飘泊中走完了自己的一生 ,足迹遍布中原内外。开元十四年(726)冬天,李白离开扬州,到北方的汝海游玩(今河南临汝县一带)。之后在到达襄阳时,结交了诗人孟浩然,两人大有相见恨晚之意。李白与孟浩然的交往,是在他刚出四川不久,正当年轻快意的时候,他眼里的世界,还几乎像黄金般美好。比李白大十多岁的孟浩然,这时已经名满天下。李白送孟浩然远行,对老朋友要去繁华的扬州充