《人生》以它比较完满的艺术构思反映出深邃的耐人咀嚼的主题,构成了影片艺术的和谐美,从而使观众在丰富的美感享受中获得多方面的生活启示。不过,仔细推敲,影片在和谐中也有某些不和谐处,需要指出,试举三例: 在表现情人热恋方面,影片有“月夜送粪”这样的好戏:不用闪回。德顺老汉边赶车边对两位恋人静静地叙说他往日逝去的悲惨而动人的爱情,悠悠地唱起“走西口”。这一意境,含蓄而深沉地反衬出男女主人公此时此地诗情画意般的心境,令人荡气回肠。相形之下,沟梁上、田埂旁、草垛堆的恋爱生活则显得流于浅显、一般。
Life, with its complete artistic conception, reflects the profound theme of tolerant chewing and constitutes the harmonious beauty of film art, so that the audience can obtain various enlightenment of life in the rich aesthetic enjoyment. However, careful scrutiny, the film also has some discordant in harmony, need to point out, try three cases: In the performance of lover, the film has “Moonlit manure” such a good show: do not flash back. Deshun old man while hurling the two lovers quietly narrated his past tragic and touching love, leisurely sang “go west.” This mood, subtle and deep contrast to the hero and heroine here at this time poetic mood, it is soul-stirring. In contrast, the ditch beam, next to Tin, haystack love life seems to flow in the plain, in general.