
来源 :油气田地面工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:firefly0808
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在以往的油田污水净化过程中,通常将除油和除机杂物分别作为单独的过程来考虑。而油中常常含有机杂物,机杂物中也含有油。两者通常是混合起来一同存在于水中。在室内采用聚阳离子除油剂和碱式氯化铝以及新疆油田采油一厂的原油样品进行试验,结果发现,如果将通常用于除油的聚阳离子和用于除机杂物的碱式氯化铝复配成复合型净水剂,使用起来能够兼顾除油和除机杂物,大大提高除油净水效果。用复合型净水剂来处理污水,用量少,效率高,处理后水色清透,水质好。 In previous oilfield wastewater purification processes, oil removal and debris removal were often considered separately as separate processes. The oil often contains organic debris, debris also contains oil. The two are usually mixed together in the water. In the laboratory using polycation degreasing agent and basic aluminum chloride and crude oil samples from Xinjiang Oilfield Production Plant No. 1, it was found that if the polycation, which is commonly used for degreasing, and the basic chlorine Complex aluminum compound into a water purifier, the use of both oil removal and addition to the debris, greatly improving the effect of oil removal water purification. With composite water purification agent to deal with sewage, less dosage, high efficiency, clear water after treatment, good water quality.