准确识别雷击故障与非雷击性故障对针对化防雷设计、降低雷击跳闸率具有重要意义.从雷电定位系统记录与行波数据所包含时空信息的不同特点入手,分析雷电地闪记录与行波数据在时间与空间上的关联可能性,计及高程差对线路长度影响,将行波测距结果换算为故障参考杆塔坐标,使行波测距结果能够与雷电地闪记录位置进行空间层面的匹配.引入雷电流极性与初始行波极性排除部分极性不一致的雷电地闪记录干扰,以地闪观测站数作为必要的附加条件,构造雷击记录与行波数据之间的关联度函数,对具体一次实际故障是否为雷击故障计算出关联度,在此基础上对雷击故障与非雷击性故障进行判断.并以实际巡线结果为依据,验证了所提算法的可行性.“,”The identification of lightning induced fault and fault without lightning striking is a significant factor for lightning protection design to reduce number of lightning induced fault. In order to analyze the possibility of the information fusion of lightning location system (LLS) record and traveling wave data, this paper dissected different time and space domain characteristic of these two systems records. Considered the height difference influence, the fault distance calculated by traveling wave was transformed to suspected fault tower to calculating the difference between lightning records and traveling wave data. The polarity of traveling wave and lightning current was taken into account to remove some lightning records with different polarity. For computing the correlation degree of lightning records and traveling wave data, the number of detection station demonstrated the accuracy of lightning records is considered. The lightning induced fault and fault without lightning is identified based on the incidence of lightning records and traveling wave data. The proposed method was confirmed by the line patrolling results.