氨苄西林(商品名:安必仙)为口服广谱抗生素,近年在国内广泛用于临床,引起严重过敏反应的病例比较少见。现报告1例如下:1 病例介绍患者,男,16岁,因手指外伤皮肤感染初次口服氨苄西林0.5g,约30分钟后自感胸闷、憋气、面色紫绀,继而出现昏厥,意识丧失。立即卧床,几分钟后,意识逐?
Ampicillin (trade name: An Ephedra) is a broad-spectrum oral antibiotics, widely used in clinical practice in the country in recent years, causing severe allergic reactions in rare cases. Now report a case as follows: 1 case description The patient, male, 16 years old, first oral ampicillin 0.5g due to finger trauma skin infection, about 30 minutes after feeling chest tightness, suffocating, looking cyanotic, and then syncope, loss of consciousness. Immediately in bed, after a few minutes, consciously by?