病历摘要 女性,5岁半,以腹胀、纳差10d加重7d之主诉入院。患者10d前家长无意中发现腹部隆起增大,未觉腹痛,无恶心呕吐,亦无厌油腻饮食现象,尿量及次数正常,未见肉眼血尿,精神尚可,食欲稍减,7d来自觉全腹有胀感,食量更减少,无心慌、气短、无头痛头昏,病后不发热盗汗、亦无腹泻或便秘,精神尚佳。曾在当地医院检查:X线腹平片示腹腔积液,B超检查示肝脏体积缩小,光点略粗密,大量腹水,
Female medical records, 5 years and a half to abdominal distension, anadalysis 10d aggravate the main complaint of admission 7d. Before 10d, the parents inadvertently found abdominal bulge increased, no abdominal pain, no nausea and vomiting, also no tired greasy diet, urine output and frequency of normal, no gross hematuria, the spirit is acceptable, a slight loss of appetite, Abdominal distention, reduce appetite, no palpitation, shortness of breath, no headache dizziness, fever, night sweats, no diarrhea or constipation, the spirit is still good. Had a local hospital examination: X-ray abdominal film showed abdominal effusion, B-ultrasound showed reduced liver size, slightly thick light spot, a large number of ascites,