专题复习6 动态图型问题

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动态问题一般是指动态几何问题,它是以几何知识和图形为背景,研究几何图形(点、直线、三角形、四边形)在运动变化中存在的函数关系或规律,有利于培养学生的空间想象能力和综合分析能力.动态问题在几何方面涉及的知识有全等形、相似形、勾股定理、特殊四边形和圆;在代数方面涉及的知识有方程、函数、不等式、坐标、解直角三角形等.其类型可归纳为点的运动、直线的运动、图形的运动. The dynamic problem generally refers to the dynamic geometric problem. It is based on the geometric knowledge and the graphic background, studying the function relationship or regularity existing in the movement changes of the geometric figures (point, line, triangle, quadrilateral), which is helpful to cultivate students’ spatial imagination And comprehensive analysis of the dynamic problems of the geometry involved in the knowledge of congruent, similar shape, Pythagorean theorem, special quadrilateral and circle; in the algebra involved in the knowledge of equations, functions, inequalities, coordinates, such as right-angle triangle. Its type can be summarized as point movement, straight line movement, graphic movement.
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