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在国际金融危机持续蔓延,国内经济下行压力不断加大的背景下,作为新阶段改革的起步之年和新世纪以来经济发展可能最为困难的一年,2009年无疑是我国下一个30年改革发展进程中攻坚克难的关键年。在这一年中,我们即将开始全面应对全球经济危机带来的困难和国内发展变革转型带来的挑战,但从中国长远发展看,这也是机遇之年、是真正奠基和孕育未来繁荣的历史转折时刻。站在新一年的起点上,2009年中国宏观经济将呈现出怎样的发展态势?国家陆续出台的一系列“扩内需、促增长”的重大举措能否如愿发挥成效?中国经济何时能够重返平稳增长的轨道?由此可以洞察的新阶段中国发展难点在哪里,机遇在何处。启动新一轮改革开放再续30年成长的突破口又将在哪些方向展开……带着这些问题,《瞭望》新闻周刊年前采访了13位国内知名的宏观经济研究者,力图勾勒出2009年第一缕曙光透射出的中国经济新图景。 As the international financial crisis continues to spread and the downward pressure on the domestic economy continues to increase, as the starting point of the new phase of reform and the possibly most difficult period for economic development in the new century, 2009 is undoubtedly the next 30 years of China’s reform and development The crucial year in the process of tackling hardship. In the course of the year, we are about to begin to comprehensively deal with the difficulties caused by the global economic crisis and the challenges brought about by the transformation and transformation of our domestic development. However, judging from the long-term development of China, this is also a year of opportunities and a historic turning point for truly laying the foundation stone for future prosperity. time. Standing at the starting point of the new year, what kind of development trend will China’s macro-economy show in 2009? Will the series of major measures of “expanding domestic demand and promoting growth” promised by the state will make a difference? China’s economy Can return to the track of steady growth? This can be an insight into the new phase of development difficulties in China, where opportunities. With these questions, “Outlook” Newsweek interviewed 13 well-known macroeconomic researchers a year ago in an attempt to outline the breakthrough in 2009, which will lead to a new round of 30 years of reform and opening up. The first ray of light transmitted the new picture of China’s economy.
Hydrothermal reaction between mixed ligand(1,2,4-triazole and benzoic acid) and Zn(NO3)2·6H2O afforded a three-dimensional(3D) metal-organic framework Zn3(C2H2
同志们: 自治区林业会议自九月五日至十四日,共开了十天,今天就要结束了。这次会议,是自治区召开的一次讨论林业问题的重要会议。李嘉玉同志在会议开始时讲了话。司马益·牙
Objective: To evaluate the additional value of funduscopy in the routine manag ement of patients with hypertension. Design: Systematic review. Participants: Ad
喀什河畔(尼勒克)怕 建 摄 o叭UJ。)》(t(匕儿)IL《工2 f。。J沾、一。默瞥。川;/。言z义”“’”尹}二:一TS林区风光 Kashi River (Nileq) afraid to build o o UJ. ) “
六月上、中旬,林业部两位副部长张世军、郝玉山同志,相继来我省检查工作。他们深入实际,调查研究,沿途对我省林业建设提出许多重要意见,现整理如下: In mid-June, two deput
【内容摘要】在高中英语教学中,教师不能只关注如何教学,还需要关注学生如何学习,以灵活多样的教学方法来渗透学习方法指导,让学生学会主动思考,大胆质疑,学会主动归纳与总结,学会相互交流与促进,从而提高教学质量。  【关键词】教法 学法指导 英语 自主学习  在高中英语教学中,知识容量大,难度增加,如果再缺乏有效学法,学生是难以适应高中学习节奏,不能很好地进行自主学习,影响学习信心与热情。所以,在日常教