走进上海交大校园,江泽民主席的题词“继往开来,勇攀高峰,把交通大学建设成世界一流大学”这二十二个大字金光闪闪,激励着奋发有为的交大人向二十一世纪世界著名大学的目标迈进。 上海交大机器人研究所的前身是1979年建立的机器人研究室,1985年改成研究所。它是我
Into the Shanghai Jiaotong University campus, President Jiang Zemin’s inscription “going forward, climb the heights, the construction of Jiaotong University into a world-class university” these twenty-two characters blossoming, inspiring a successful APL to the twenty-first Century world famous University goal. Shanghai Jiaotong University Institute of Robotics predecessor was established in 1979 robotic laboratory, 1985 Institute. It is me