日常生活与工作中弯腰拿东西或搬重物,常有人发生闪腰,也叫腰扭伤。如采用指揉委中、肾俞二穴来治疗,效果十分明显。 方法是让患者俯卧床上,腿伸直,术者站在患者左侧,大拇指指面重按揉患者左委中穴1分钟,再重按揉右委中穴1分钟(所谓重按指患者能忍受为
Bending around in everyday life and work or carry heavy objects, often flashes, also called lumbar sprain. If refers to the rubbing appoint, Shenshu two points to treat, the effect is very obvious. The method is to make the patient prone on the bed, legs straight, the patient standing on the left side of the patient thumb thumb rubbing the left face of the patient in the hole for 1 minute, then rubbing the right one in the hole 1 minute (so-called re-finger patients Can tolerate for