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社会管理是当今世界各国发展中必不可少的一项管理活动。健全社会管理格局、完善社会管理机制、促进社会和谐健康发展,是各国政府社会管理追求的共同目标。近年来,社会管理越来越多地出现在中国的政治生活中。加强和完善社会管理工作对于建设和谐社会有着至关重要的作用。新中国成立以来,党和国家始终高度重视社会管理,对于建立和完善适应我国国情的社会管理制度进行了长期而深入的探索和实践,取得了成绩,积累了经验。改革开放以来,根据国内外形势,党和国家就推进社会管理的改革与 Social management is an essential management activity in the development of all countries in the world today. Improving the social management pattern, perfecting the social management mechanism and promoting the harmonious and healthy social development are the common goals pursued by the government in all countries. In recent years, social management has emerged more and more in China’s political life. Strengthening and perfecting social management work is of vital importance to building a harmonious society. Since the founding of New China, the party and the state have always attached great importance to social management and have conducted long-term and in-depth exploration and practice of establishing and improving a social management system that is adaptable to China’s national conditions. They have achieved great successes and accumulated experience. Since the reform and opening up, according to the situation at home and abroad, the party and the state have promoted the reform of social management and
摘 要:本文是作者在长期教学过程中总结出来的几点经验,主要有:连接手段、省略手段、代替手段、转换手段、强调手段。这些手段在使用过程中发挥了很好的作用,对于提高学生书面表达成绩很有帮助。  关键词:高考英语;书面表达;反思   中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A文章编号:1992-7711(2012)06-071-1      高考书面表达新评分标准在语言的运用上对考生提出了更高的要求,即在考察