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《钦定补刻端石兰亭图缂丝》是迄今仅见的以碑帖为底本的缂丝作品,也是迄今所知最长的缂丝手卷。本文通过考察有关档案文献资料并结合实物分析,考订这一长卷的织作是以《御题补刻明代端石兰亭图帖》墨拓本为底本,分为32段,由多人同时织作完成。其织作时间应始于乾隆末年,完成于嘉庆初年。民国十二年(1923年),逊帝溥仪以赏赐给溥杰为名,将该卷带出宫外,后辗转流传于民间。它代表了清代缂丝书法艺术的最高水平,是一件孤本。作者还认为清乾隆时期缂丝书法的发达,完全是乾隆皇帝的个人喜好所致。 “The Kindred Engraved Portland Lanting Figure Reeling” is by far the only relic based on relics, and is by far the longest known reeling hand scroll. Based on the investigation of relevant archives and material analysis, the textual examination of this long scroll is based on the rubbings of “Yantian Complementary Ming Dynasty Lanting Pavilion Tutan”, divided into 32 sections and completed by many people at the same time . The weaving time should begin in the last years of Qianlong, completed in Jiaqing first year. Twelve years of the Republic of China (1923), the emperor Pu Yi to reward the name of Pu Jie, the volume taken out of the palace, later removed from the public. It represents the highest level of Silk Calligraphy in the Qing Dynasty and is the lonely one. The author also thinks that the development of silk calligraphy in Qing Dynasty was completely caused by the personal preference of Qianlong Emperor.
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