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巨鹿,古称钜鹿,作为地名至迟在战国时期就已产生。《吕氏春秋》上讲:“地有九泽,越之具区,楚之云梦,赵之巨鹿。”巨鹿泽即大陆泽,亦名广阿泽。战国七雄之一的赵国修筑有巨鹿邑,派兵守卫。秦灭六国,废分封而置郡县,巨鹿自此成为天下名郡之一。两汉、曹魏、石赵等政权亦设巨鹿郡,《新唐书·地理志》、《宋史·地理志》分别有“邢州,巨鹿郡”和“信德府,次府,巨鹿郡”的记载。元、明、清三代则仅设巨鹿县而不复有巨鹿郡之称。秦朝在巨鹿郡下同时设有巨鹿县,其辖地大致相当于今河北省平乡县。北魏景明年间,移巨鹿县城于旧城之东三十里,改属 Julu, the ancient name of huge deer, as the place names have been produced in the Warring States period at the latest. “Lu’s Spring and Autumn” said: “There Jiuze, the more area, Chu Yun Yun dream, Zhao’s Julu.” Julu Ze Ze mainland continent, also known as Azerbaijan. Zhao Guoxiu, one of the Seven Warring States, built a giant Luyi and sent troops to guard. Qin off six countries, waste seal set County, Julu since then became one of the world famous county. The two Han, Wei, Shi Zhao and other regimes also set Julu County, “New Tang Shu Geography”, “Song History · Geographical Chi” respectively “Xingzhou, Julu County” and “Sindh Prefecture, the government, Julu County ”records. Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties are only set Julu County and not known as Julu County. At the same time, there was Julu County in Julu County by the Qin Dynasty, and its jurisdiction roughly corresponded to Pingxiang County in Hebei Province at this time. During the Northern Wei King Ming years, Julu County moved away in the old city thirty miles, change genus