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一、“春天里我葬落花, 秋天了我再葬枯叶” 徐訏,字伯訏,笔名徐于、东方既白。1908年,他出生于浙江省慈溪县东部庄桥(现属宁波市江北区)的一个日趋破落的家庭。徐訏出生时,家境已是十分艰难了。 幼年的徐訏聪明、灵秀,极富艺术天才。六七岁时,他就开始学习写作。那时,他的父亲常和一些朋友来往唱和写诗,互相吟咏推敲。有一次,徐訏看过他们的几首七绝后、也模仿着写了一首诗,自己抄在簿子里。后来,陆续写了七八首,但这些诗他从来没有给人看过,内容也多是化用唐诗三百首的成句,这算是他最早的“创作”了。与此同时,他又迷上了《三国演义》之类的小说,又读了不少林纾的译述小说。 First, “I am buried in the spring flowers, fall I buried dead leaves,” Xu Xun, the word Bobo, pseudonym Xu, the East both white. In 1908, he was born in a dilapidated family in Zhuangqiao, eastern part of Cixi County, Zhejiang Province (now Jiangbei District, Ningbo City). Xu Xu was born, the family is already very difficult. Young Xu Mi smart, smart, very artistic genius. Six or seven years old, he began to study writing. At that time, his father often sang and wrote poetry with friends, praising each other. Once, Xu Xun had seen a few of them after seven, but also imitated writing a poem, copy it in the book. Later, he wrote seven or eight poems one after another, but these poems have never been read before. His content is mostly composed of three hundred Tang poems, which is his earliest “creation.” At the same time, he fell in love with novels like The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and read quite a few translated novels by Lin Shu.
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