实施流程管理 提高飞机维修生产水平

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随着民航主管部门逐步开放行业管制加快市场化进程,中国的民航运输业市场竞争将日趋激烈,航空运输业的不断发展对飞机维修生产管理提出了更高的要求。航空公司希望飞机维修机构,在降低维修成本的同时,提高生产效率,减少飞机的停场时间,进而提高飞机的使用率,从而提高航空公司的经济效益。因此,如何结合航空企业的现状、特点,建立和完善与之相配套的飞机维修生产管理体系,确保维修质量、提高维修生产效率和降低维修成本,是飞机维修行业所面临的紧迫课题。这里,我们从对国内航空公司的维修机构(维修部门或维修厂)现状的分析开始,展开深入的探讨。 With the civil aviation authorities gradually opening up the industry control to speed up the process of marketization, the competition in China’s civil aviation transportation market will become fiercer and fiercer. The continuous development of the air transportation industry places higher requirements on aircraft maintenance and production management. Airlines hope that aircraft maintenance organizations can reduce maintenance costs while improving production efficiency, reducing aircraft parking time, thereby increasing aircraft utilization, thereby enhancing the economic efficiency of airlines. Therefore, it is an urgent issue facing the aircraft maintenance industry how to combine the current situation and characteristics of aviation enterprises to establish and perfect its aircraft maintenance production management system, ensure the maintenance quality, improve the maintenance efficiency and reduce the maintenance cost. Here, we start from the analysis of the status quo of the domestic airlines’ maintenance organizations (maintenance departments or repair shops) and conduct in-depth discussions.
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