Comparison between Cyclic Statistics and Envelope Demodulation

来源 :Journal of Shanghai University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clvic
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In this paper, demodulation performance of first-order cyclic statistics and second-order cyclic statistics for amplitude modulation signals is introduced. By theoretical research, it is proved that cyclic mean does not possess demodulation performance for amplitude modulation signals, but cyclic autocorrelation function can extract frequency components from amplitude modulation signals. Based on the above, both cyclic autocorrelation function and envelope demodulation based on Hilbert transform are compared. The results show that the two kinds of analysis methods have similar performance for demodulation, in the mean time it is pointed out that they also possess essential distinction, and cyclic autocorrelation function is better to demodulate amplitude modulation signals. In this paper, demodulation performance of first-order cyclic statistics and second-order cyclic statistics for amplitude modulation signals is introduced. By theoretical research, it is proved that cyclic mean does not have demodulation performance for amplitude modulation signals, but cyclic autocorrelation function can extract frequency components from amplitude modulation signals. Based on the above, both cyclic autocorrelation function and envelope demodulation based on Hilbert transform are compared. The results show that the two kinds of analysis methods have similar performance for demodulation, in the mean time it is pointed out that they also possess essential distinction, and cyclic autocorrelation function is better to demodulate amplitude modulation signals.
济宁市、县远程教育中心把服务抗旱保丰收工作作为当前的重中之重,充分发挥远教优势,抓宣传、抓培训、抓指导,有力助推全民抗旱、保粮、促增收工作。 Jining City, County D
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