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“澶渊之盟”的签订使得北宋在真宗景德之后出现了和平稳定的局面,农业生产极大发展,带动了工商业的兴旺,这又促使城市走向繁荣,市民阶层兴起并壮大起来,这为宋词的接受与传播培养了广泛的听众,开拓了广阔的娱乐消费市场;此外,“澶渊之盟”后游宴之风盛行,歌宴酒席的创作环境使得词人在创作时获得了充分的自由,激发了他们的创作热情;最后,“澶渊之盟”后市井间俗曲新声的兴盛在音乐上也为宋词的兴起做好了准备。 The signing of the Treaty of Yuan Yuan made the situation of peace and stability in the Northern Song Dynasty after the Emperor Jingzong and the great development of agricultural production brought the prosperity of the industry and commerce. This in turn led to the prosperity of the city and the rise and growth of the urban class, This has cultivated a broad audience for the acceptance and dissemination of the Song poetry and opened up a vast market for entertainment and consumption. In addition, the prevalence of post-banquets and the creation environment of the banquet banquet made the poet And gained full enthusiasm for their creation. Finally, the flourishing new vocal music in the market of “Yuan Yuan Zhi Meng Le” made a good preparation for the rise of the Song Ci in music.