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乌崇拜作为人类共有的原始崇拜之一,在中国的新石器时代就已留下了物证。苏中地区的海安青墩遗址与兴化影山头遗址,不仅存在着历史悠久的神乌传说和乌形图腾状的营盘,还出土了鸟形陶鬹、太阳纹陶片和象征鸟卵的陶球等。出土有鸟形器物的新石器文化遗址基本上沿着黄河、长江分布,且多数集中于东部沿海地区,而青墩遗址和影山头遗址的地理位置正处于长江入海口附近。根据远古氏族部落迁徙的一般规律和两遗址的大致年代来看,古青墩部落与古影山头部落很可能就是长江流域的一部分崇乌部落的源头之一,其与良渚文化的亲缘关系,很值得注意。 Worship as one of the original worship of mankind, in China’s Neolithic has left a material evidence. Hai’an Qingdun ruins and Xinghua yingshan ruins in the central Jiangsu region not only have the historic god-legends and the U-shaped totem-like camp, but also unearthed bird-shaped pottery, sun-shaped pottery and eggs Ball and so on. The Neolithic sites unearthed with bird artifacts are basically distributed along the Yellow River and the Yangtze River and are mostly concentrated in the eastern coastal areas. The locations of the Qingdun site and the Ying Shan site are near the mouth of the Yangtze River. According to the general rule of ancient clan migrations and the general dating of the two sites, it is probable that the ancient Qingdun tribe and the ancient shadow hill tribes are one of the sources of the Chongwu tribes as a part of the Yangtze River valley. Their kinship with Liangzhu culture, It is noteworthy.