The Culture of Western alcoholic drink

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  The wine, which plays an important role in the daily life,is familiar to human beings.There are varied types of wine with different raw materials,such as Gin, Whisky,Vodka,Rum,and Brandy.All the alcoholic drink is divided into three categories by western people.They are liquor,beer and wine.Liquor includes brandy, whiskey,vodka,tequila and so on.The followings are the introduction of the French wine and the German beer, they both play a key role in the western countries.
  2、French wine
  2.1 The way of the French people drinking wine
  Look is the first step,they use it to make sure whether the wine is good or not.Good wine is clear and transparent,and has the pure color.
  Smell is the second step.Such as drinking French brandy,they use the middle finger and ring finger to grip the cup feet,use palm to protect the back half of the cup,and hold the glass for a moment,the temperature of hand passes to liquor in order to facilitate the liquor volatile.Then,put the glass under the nose and smell the alcohol.Generaliy,this aroma both has the taste of fresh grapes,but also the wine after fermentation.
  Taste is the third step.They take a great concentration on drinking wine for the first time.After finished the first drink,with the tongue to rool about the liquor in the month.The wine is strong,but also fresh and soft.
  2.2 Collocation between wine and glass
  Red wine with tulip-type goblet.Tulip-type goblet is characterized by large capacity,so the wine has a large area to contact the air,and tis kind of cup slightly narrowed to prevent the liquor shaking when spill. More importantly,the smell can be concentrated to the cup.The reason for using this kind of cup is that the hand will not directly contact with the cup body,so the temperature of the hand will not affect the optimal drinking temperature of the wine.White wine usually with small tulip-type sharp goblet.Champagne with straight body cup or with exposure cup,Cognac with tulip-type Dwarf Cup,and so on.
  2.3 The best temperature to drink.
  Generally,the best temperature for drinking red wine is at 18℃.1 to 2 hours before drinking,so wine can contact with the air, this is called hangover.For the better red wine,usually first chilled for about an hour. White wines generally at 10 to 12℃ to drink.Champagne generally at 8 to 10℃.Champagne is the queen of wine,in the West,any celebration of a great occasion, you will see the champagne bubbles,splashes,will smell the aroma of it,will enjoy its mellow Ganlie.It is France’s honor.
  French wine is the combination with the grape growing,processing and the French culture,precipitated the French attitude toward life,aesthetic taste,reflecting the culture of French elegance.Just as poet Simon said ‘Wine can be equipped with any dish,but for the French people,this alcohol is with life.’
  [1] Ed McCarthy California Wine For Dummies[M]For Dummies Publishing Company America 2009.
  [2] 白瑞,吳瑞.《世界风情英语80主题》[M].中国宇航出版社.
  [3] 郭春英.《法国为什么这么浪漫》[M].中国水利水电出版社.
  [4] 高建为,李占舟,岳彩忠.《法国文化解读》[M].济南出版社.
【摘 要】本文主要对德育教育在中学英语教学中的渗透进行了探讨。主要从以下几个方面进行了论述:(1)提高中学英语教师对德育教学的认识;(2)为人师表树立榜样;(3)充分利用课本内容,培养学生高尚的道德情操;(4)指导学生阅读(5)应用“范例教学法”引申英语语用原则的道德内涵。  【关键词】德育教育 达到的情操 阅读    在我国深入推进改革、开放、经济体制已发生重大变化并已加入世贸组织、经济总量跻身
摘要:文言文教学在整个高中语文教学中占有着举足轻重的地位,而我们的文言文教学现状却并不令人乐观,没有达到一个比较理想的效果以与其在教材中的地位相适配。学生对文言文教学极度反感乃至于厌学,甚至连老师们自己也被烦琐的文言文教学弄得焦头烂额,以至于文言文大有被视作“鸡肋”甚或“洪水猛兽”之势。那么文言文教学路在何方?重点探讨高中文言文教学的现状及实施对策。  关键词: 高中文言文教学 教学现状 对策  
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摘要:鼓励性评价是用来激发学生内在潜能的重要手段,也是培养学生形成持续发展能力的重要途径。如何将鼓励性评价运用于英语教学中?作者就此问题进行了阐述。  关键词:鼓励 评价 教学 运用    教育教学评价体系是促进学生全面发展总体要求。而鼓励性评价是日常教学活动中常用的一种评价方法,它往往就是一句鼓励的话语,一个信任的眼神,一次轻轻的拍肩,就能给予学生很大的鼓励,并且能培养学生健康的心理。鼓励性评价
【摘 要】本文试图通过在传统教学的基础上融入新课程理念,为提高学生的作文水平做了一些尝试,结合作者近年来的教学实践,提出激发学生写作兴趣,创设写作情境,运用多样化的教学方式,引导学生写随笔,增加视听信息量,鼓励学生树立自信等方面,提高学习写作能力。  【关键词】初中生 作文 兴趣 情境 随笔 自信 提高    新课程标准提出“要全面提高学生的语文素养”,又指出“写作能力是语文素养的综合体现”。具体
摘要:立体几何作为高考必考题之一,同时又是大部分学生头疼的章节之一。因此抓好立体几何的入门教学是至关重要的,结合本人的教学实践,从概念关、识图画图关、转化关、间接证法关这四关来探讨立体几何的入门教学。  关键词:立体几何 入门教学 空间图形 三维空间 概念关 识图画图关 转化关 间接证法关  由于空间图形是由空间的点、线、面所构成,它比平面图形新增添了一个基本元素——平面,使得研究空
初中英语教学的目的之一,是使学生掌握基础知识,并具备口语和书面方面云英语进行交际的能力,大幅度提高学生英语素质水平,在听、说、读、写等方面达到大纲要求。所以,英语的口语训练教学,对达到这个目的,至关重要。  一、在加强口语训练中培养学生讲英语的习惯  英语口语训练,除了能促进和提高学生运用英语的能力外,还应在培养学生的人格方面发挥积极的作用。英语口语训练,既有个体的练习,又有群体的练习,选择二人以
数学教学中,要使学生理解掌握所学知识,要制定教学目标。怎样才能实现达到这个目标,要由措施和学法作指导。这里的学法指导也就是指导学生掌握学习的方法,使学生学会学习,逐步形成独立获取知识的能力,以适应当今科学知识急剧增加的要求。  事实上,学生并不喜欢被动地接受以教师权威为基础的结论,他们更喜欢通过模型,活动实验等,也就是通过教师的教具演示和学生的学具操作手段进行学习。尽量改变以往的教师干讲,学生干听
【摘 要】提高学生的计算能力,有助于培养学生的数学技能和解决问题的能力,树立学生认真、细致、耐心、不畏困难的品质。因此,计算教学不容忽视。计算教学应跳出认知技能的框框,不把法则的得出,技能的形成作为唯一的目标,而应更关注学生的学习过程,让学生参与算理算法的探索尝试,在实践探索的过程中自我发展,自我提高。  【关键词】小学 计算教学 实践 思考    在实际学习中小学生在计算中孩子在计算上出现差错的