很多研究揭示了医疗卫生领域不文明和欺凌的有害影响.尽管针对这一问题提出了不少解决方案,但许多医疗机构仍然未能缓解工作场所存在的此类负面行为.欺凌行为的施受双方的人格特征均受到关注,但很少有研究探讨医疗领域发生不文明和欺凌问题的组织和新自由主义方面的原因.作为医疗卫生部门最大的职业群体,护理工作者影响力最大,对遏制这类行为非常重要.本文概述了医疗卫生领域中不文明和欺凌的不良影响,并对组织文化和新自由主义意识形态如何影响这些消极行为的普遍性和持久性进行了批判性分析.滥用权力、不尊重平等、助长压迫的组织文化助长了工作场所中不文明行为和欺凌的发生.这类文化允许实施者滥用权力控制资源分配、漠视社会不平等和受害者的沉默.新自由主义主张以市场促进经济增长和创新,随之而来的监管不足、财政紧缩和个人主义问题进一步也助长了这些不当行为.新自由主义改革导致反欺凌计划和政策的资金不足,欺凌行为被用作管理策略,责备受害者以使利润最大化.财政削减导致医疗机构容忍、否认不文明和欺凌行为的存在,这已危及医疗卫生工作者享有安全工作环境的权利.为了遏制这些负面行为,必须在实践中严格执行和维持强有力的反欺凌政策和方案.有必要进一步探讨组织文化和新自由主义与医疗卫生领域的不文明和欺凌行为之间的联系.“,”Countless research studies have demonstrated the detrimental effects of incivility and bullying in healthcare.Despite the abundance of proposed solutions to this issue,many healthcare leaders continue to fail in mitigating the existence of such negative behaviors in the workplace.Personality attributes of perpetrators and victims have received attention,but much less research has examined the organiza-tional and neoliberal causations of incivility and bullying in healthcare.Being the largest occupational group in the health sector,nursing professionals have the greatest influence and are crucial in ending these behaviors.This discussion paper outlines the effects of incivility and bullying in healthcare and provides a critical analysis on how organizational culture and neoliberal ideology influence the perva-siveness and persistence of these negative behaviors.The analysis reveals that organizational cultures that misuse power,disregard equality,and facilitate oppression,foster the existence of incivility and bullying in the workplace.Such cultures permit perpetrators to misuse their authority to control resource allocation,ignorance to social inequalities,and the silence of victims.Furthermore,the neoliberal concept of deregulation,austerity,and individualism further these behaviors.The neoliberal reforms have led to underfunding of anti-bullying programs and policies,use of bullying behaviours as man-agement strategies,and victim-blaming for profit maximization.Financial cutbacks have resulted in denial and acceptance of uncivil and bullying behaviours in healthcare institutions,which endangers the rights of healthcare providers to a safe workplace environment.To curtail these negative behaviors,robust anti-bullying policies and programs must be strictly enforced and sustained in practice.Further exploration on the association of organizational culture and neoliberal principles to incivility and bullying in healthcare is greatly warranted.