人们特别关注下半年第一个月的轿车市场,因为它在一定程度上反映了今年整个我国汽车市场的态势。有关轿车市场的信息显示,我国7月份轿车市场产销量均高于上半年各月;市场价格均有不同幅度的回落;各个车型品种走势快慢表现不尽一致;制造商为巩固并扩大市场份额正开展各种促销手段…… 7月份的产销量数据表明,主要轿车生产厂家的产量之和达2.76万辆,销量总数为2.64万辆。由于上半年除夏
People pay special attention to the car market in the first half of the second half of the year because it reflects to some extent the trend of the automobile market in China this year. Information on the car market shows that in July, the sales volume of the car market in China was higher than that in the first half of each year; the market prices all dropped in different amplitudes; the performance of various models was not consistent; the manufacturers were consolidating and expanding their market shares To carry out a variety of promotional tools ... ... July production and sales data show that the main car manufacturers and the output of 27600, the total sales of 26400. Due to the summer except the first half