豆科植物的肥田作用作物的生长离不开肥料,我国劳动人民很早就知道豆科植物具有肥田的作用,而且在生产实践中广泛的应用。例如公元前一世纪的《氾胜之书》中就谈到了瓜与豆的间作;公元五世纪的《齐民要术》指出了豆科作物和禾本科作物套作轮栽的好处。那么豆科植物为什么能肥田呢? 我们知道植物的生长发育,必需有氮、磷、钾等肥料的供应,其中氮肥又是最主要的,氮肥供
The role of legumes fertilizing crops inseparable from the growth of fertilizers, working people in our country have long been aware of the role of legumes with fertilizer, but also in the production of a wide range of applications. For example, in the book “Pan-wincing” in the first century BC, we talked about the intercropping of melons and beans; the “Qi Min Yao Shu” of the fifth century arctured the benefits of intercropping of legumes and grasses. So why can legumes fertilize it? We know that plant growth and development, there must be nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other fertilizer supply, of which nitrogen is the most important, nitrogen supply