
来源 :苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaron209
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中国宪法学界的政治宪法学与规范宪法学之争已经持续数年,至今仍未平息。凯尔森对法教义学的超越可为解析这场论争提供启发。法教义学以规范的有效性为立论前提,因此不关注规范的证立。凯尔森的纯粹法学把法规范完全移入认知科学的领域,以基础规范为基石建构出一套层级秩序。纯粹法学虽然在理论哲学的层面证立了规范,却对实践领域的问题毫无助益。法规范的证立是个实践哲学层面的问题,不过证立的工作既可以专注于建构法规范之效力的充分条件,也可以集中在揭示法规范之效力的必要条件。政治宪法学并非不讲规范性,而是在尝试为规范宪法学的规范性奠基。 The dispute between the constitutional science of Chinese constitutional law and normative norms of constitutional law has lasted for several years and so far has not yet subsided. Kelsen’s transcendence of legal teachings can provide inspiration for the resolution of this controversy. Legal doctrine to standardize the validity of the premise of the argument, so do not pay attention to the establishment of norms. Kelsen’s purely legal approach to law completely moved into the field of cognitive science, based on the basic norms as the cornerstone to construct a hierarchical order. Although pure jurisprudence possesses norms at the theoretical philosophical level, it does nothing to the problems in the field of practice. The establishment of legal norms is a matter of practical philosophical level, but the established work can either focus on the sufficient conditions for the construction of legal norms nor can it focus on the necessary conditions for revealing the validity of legal norms. Political constitutional law does not mean not normative, but trying to lay the foundation for normative constitutional law.