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两年前的11月24日,本刊在显著位置刊发了一组《河南之变》的专题报道,反映了古老的中原大地在新的历史条件下发生的深刻变化。河南省GDP总值连续位列全国第五位,名列中西部地区之首的讯息曾引起人们极大关注。这之后的两年间,时值国家提出积极促进中部崛起的伟大战略,我们的目光始终聚焦在这个地处中国之中,也是中国人口最多的省份。在中央提出实施宏观调控、树立和落实科学发展观和构建和谐社会的进程中,在国家积极促进中部崛起的战略上,河南又有哪些新的变化和亮点?今年8月19日,胡锦涛总书记视察河南,对河南在经济建设,农村经济发展特别是粮食生产,对外开放,基础设施建设,提高城乡居民生活水平,政治建设、文化建设、和谐社会建设和党的建设全面推进等方面取得的突出成绩给予了充分肯定。他殷切希望河南坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻科学发展观,抓住机遇,开拓进取,在全面建设小康社会、促进中部崛起的进程中努力实现河南经济社会又快又好的发展,在促进中部地区崛起中努力走在前列。 Two years ago, on November 24, we published a prominent series of special reports on “changes in Henan Province”, reflecting the profound changes that took place in the ancient Central Plains under the new historical conditions. Henan Province ranked fifth in the country in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) value. The first such information in the central and western regions has drawn great attention. In the two years since then, the time-value countries have proposed a great strategy of actively promoting the rise of Central China. Our eyes are always on China, the most populous province in China. In the process of the Central Government’s proposal of implementing macro-economic control, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development and building a harmonious society, what new changes and highlights have Henan made in the strategy of actively promoting the rise of Central China? On August 19 this year, General Secretary Hu Jintao Visiting Henan Province, Henan Province made prominent achievements in economic construction, rural economic development, especially food production, opening up, infrastructure construction, improvement of living standard of urban and rural residents, political construction, cultural construction, building of a harmonious society and party building Grades have been fully affirmed. He earnestly hopes that Henan will continue to take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as its guidance, comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, seize the opportunities and forge ahead so as to make every effort to realize the economic and social development of Henan in the process of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and the rise of Central China Rapid and good development, and strive to be at the forefront of promoting the rise of the central region.
1997年,世界科技硕果累累,美国《商业周刊》选出了其中的100项,而这100项重要科技成果中又有近四分之一(24项)与交通运输有关。现将它们简介如下,以飨读者。 In 1997, there