36名空军战士,年龄最大的24岁,最小的才19岁,多么美好的青春年华!在和平、幸福的年代,可以努力学习、工作,去探讨爱情,去实现人生最美好的理想。然而,在抗美援朝战争中,在仅有九分钟的时间里,他们,这些祖国人民的热血男儿壮烈牺牲在异国他乡,只有5人荣归故里,回到了母亲的怀抱…… “生命诚可贵,爱情价更高,若为自由故,二者皆可抛。”为了祖国领土不受外国侵略者的践踏,为了新中国人民的安危,他们视死如归。今天我们应该永远记着这些年轻的先烈。
36 Air Force fighters, the youngest 24 years old, the youngest only 19 years old, how beautiful youth! In times of peace and happiness, you can study hard and work hard to explore love and realize the best ideal in life. However, during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, in just nine minutes, they, the passionate men of these people, sacrificed their lives abroad and only five returned to their mother’s hometown. Higher or free, both of which can be thrown away. "For the sake of protecting the territory of the motherland from being trampled by foreign invaders and for the safety of the Chinese people, they are treated as if they were killed. Today we should always remember these young martyrs.