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从公共产品、伦理学等理论视角看,农村老年人精神健康问题具有公共卫生服务属性。我国农村老年人精神健康问题已成为严重的社会问题,但目前无论是针对普通老年人群的预防服务还是针对患病老年人群的预防、治疗和康复服务均未能常规化,其主要原因在于精神卫生资源总量不足,空间配置失衡,且未能分化出专门的老年精神卫生服务。政府有责任将农村老年人精神健康问题纳入到公共卫生服务范畴,并为其精神卫生资源配置提供制度保障、财政保障、人才保障。 From the perspective of public goods, ethics and other theories, the mental health problems of the elderly in rural areas have public health service attributes. The mental health of the elderly in rural areas of our country has become a serious social problem. However, the preventive, curative and rehabilitation services for the elderly in general do not routineize either for prevention services for the elderly or for the elderly. The main reason is that mental health Inadequate resources, space allocation, and failure to differentiate specialized mental health services for the elderly. The government has the responsibility to include the mental health of the elderly in rural areas in the public health service and to provide institutional, financial and personnel security for the allocation of mental health resources.
近来,由于油价持续上涨,解禁小排量车的呼声渐高。长安集团还上了“万言书”,呼吁尽快取消各地对小排量汽车的歧视性政策,得到吉利集团等企业的声援。但是,绝大多城市的“限小”政策还没有松动,看来解禁小排量车,难!那么,地方政府为什么要限制小排量车呢?  小排量车,大多指微型客车,即长度小于4米的面包车,以及排量不超过1升的轿车和微型卡车。据了解,目前全国有80多个城市不同程度地限制小排量汽车,理由也不尽