99仲春,应邀随校长一行四人,赴法德工作访问,十来日中分别访问了十多所高校,行程匆匆,无暇以思。那天在南下卡尔斯鲁厄的旅程中,当列车沿着莱茵河,轻吟着急驶,窗外河光山色如诗如画,旧地重游,不禁又想起五年前在这块土地上的哲学漫游…… (一) 深秋时节,暮色未
During the second spring of 1999, he was invited to visit France and Germany for work and visit with more than 10 principals and principals. During his visit to more than 10 universities in the past ten days, he was in a hurry and did not have time to think. That day in the south of Karlsruhe on the journey, when the train along the Rhine, whispered anxiously, the picturesque mountains and rivers, the old re-visit, can not help but think of the philosophical romance on the land five years ago ... (a) late autumn season, twilight not