Promotional effect of CeO_2 and Y_2O_3 on CuO/ZrO_2 catalysts for methane combustion

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maitianquan159
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Catalytic combustion of methane was conducted by using a Cu-based catalyst prepared by the plasma-assisted impregnation method. The properties of the catalysts were surveyed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR). The results showed that the activity of CuO/ZrO2 with the CeO2 and Y2O3 was obviously increased compared with the CuO/ZrO2 catalyst, which was examined in relation to the structure and surface characteristics and might be correlated with their surface oxygen species and redox properties. Among the investigated catalysts, the Ce-CuO/ZrO2 sample exhibited the highest activity for methane combustion. Catalytic combustion of methane was conducted by using a Cu-based catalyst prepared by the plasma-assisted impregnation method. The properties of the catalysts were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and temperature- programmed Reduction (H2-TPR). The results showed that the activity of CuO / ZrO2 with the CeO2 and Y2O3 was obviously increased compared with the CuO / ZrO2 catalyst, which was examined in relation to the structure and surface characteristics and might be correlated with their Surface oxygen species and redox properties. Among the investigated catalysts, the Ce-CuO / ZrO2 sample exhibited the highest activity for methane combustion.
闹元宵    农历正月十五日,是中国的传统节日元宵。正月为元月,古人称夜为“宵”,而十五日又是一年中第一个月圆之夜,所以称正月十五为元宵节,又称为“上元节”。按我国民间的传统,在一元复始、大地回春的节日夜晚,天上明月高悬,地上彩灯万盏,人们观灯、猜灯谜、吃元宵,合家团聚,其乐融融。  元宵节起源于汉朝,据说是汉文帝为纪念“平吕”而设。汉惠帝刘盈死后,吕后篡权,吕氏宗族把持朝政。周勃、陈平等人在吕后
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