1994年,36岁的我在北京租下几间民房,开始自由职业画家生涯。虽然选择这种生活方式是要付出很大代价的,但是我挣脱了现有体制对自己的束缚,身心获得解放,好象来到了体制之外的“自由艺术王国”,真有“海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞”之心境,虽然在当今这个金钱和利益主导的社会里处于边缘位置,但又可以天马行空,独往独来,从而不断弃绝世俗生活而走向人格纯净。我坚信唯一纯洁和永久不变的幸福是内心自然生起的智慧之乐,在追求自己心外的利和福中每前进一步都会增加我们的苦难。每天有喜欢的书读,画自己想画的画,追求自己的信仰,念佛打坐,真是人生快事。 我有缘接触到佛法的甚深奥义和亲近善知识,修善学佛,使我走上了修行的道路,深感佛恩。自从修起净土法门以后,我对生命,宇宙的奥秘有了更深的感悟,在当前五浊恶世的未法时期,净土法门非常适合当代人的修持,佛在《大集经》中说:末法中亿万人修道,难见一个人得道;只有念佛法门仍能救度众生。这是因为老实念佛就能够暗合道妙,巧入无生,专心念佛,
In 1994, when I was 36, I rented several houses in Beijing and started my career as a freelance painter. Although choosing this way of life has to pay a great deal, I broke free from the shackles of the existing system and liberated myself and my body. It seems that I came to the “Kingdom of Free Art” outside the system. Leaping sky and flying high as a bird. "Although in the present-day society dominated by money and interest are on the brink of being marginalized, they have the power and independence to independently abandon secular life and move toward purity of personality. I firmly believe that the only purity and permanence of happiness is the joy of wisdom born naturally in the heart. Every step forward in pursuing the benefits and blessings of my heart will increase our suffering. There are daily favorite books to read, draw the pictures they want to paint, pursue their own beliefs, and meditate on Buddhas. I have a deep contact with the deep meaning of the Dharma and the good knowledge of Buddhism. I have cultivated Buddhism so that I can embark on the path of practicing Buddhism. Since the repair of the Pure Land Dharma, I have gained a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life and the universe. In the current unscrupulous period of evil and evil, Pure Land Buddhism is very suitable for the cultivation of contemporary people. : In the last days, hundreds of millions of people practiced Buddhism. It is difficult to see one attaining one’s morality. Only reading Dharma can save sentient beings. This is because honest Buddha will be able to cobble together wonderful, skillfully into no life, concentrate on the Buddha,