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南宁职业技术学院艺术工程学院在二十多年的办学历程中,始终以培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人为教育的根本目的;把培养具有爱心、责任心、奉献精神的创新型艺术设计高技能人才作为办学的第一职责;构建了具有高职艺术设计教育鲜明特色的校企合作“企业进班级”人才培养模式,设立了多个校企合作人才培养基地,全面培养人才的实践能力,全新安排就业创业,打造出国家高等职业教育品牌。南宁职业技术学院艺术工程学院开设有10个专业,目前有在校生2100多人,是集国家级教学名师、国家级教学团队、国家精品专业、国家示范性重点建设专业、全国教改试点专业、国家教学成果奖、中央财政支持建设实训基地等众多标志性成果于一身的全国教育系统先进集体。关注弱势群体,大力支持残疾人教育事业,深入开展社会志愿服务,促进社会和谐,用爱心办人民满意高等职业教育。 In the course of more than 20 years of running school, Nanning Institute of Vocational Technology has always taken the fundamental purpose of educating the socialist builders and successors who have the all-round development of morality, intellectuality, sports, beauty and labor. They have also cultivated people with love and responsibility Heart, and dedication of innovative art design talents as the first duty to run a school; to build a college with the distinctive characteristics of higher vocational education and school cooperation “enterprise into class” personnel training mode, set up a number of school-enterprise Cooperation training base, comprehensive training of practical ability of personnel, a new job placement and entrepreneurship, to create a national brand of higher vocational education. Nanning Polytechnic College of Art and Design has 10 majors and currently has more than 2,100 students. It is a national-level teaching teacher, a national teaching team, a national boutique specialty, a national demonstration key construction specialty, and a national pilot reform of teaching reform. The country Teaching Achievement Award, the central government to support the construction of training base and many other landmark achievements in one of the national education system advanced collective. Pay close attention to vulnerable groups, vigorously support the education of disabled people, carry out social volunteerism, promote social harmony, and do people’s satisfaction with higher vocational education through love.
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根据笔者在在现场施工的总结,防水工程的材质和施工过程是造成房屋渗漏诸因素中最主要的因素,其中尤以施工工艺为甚。以往房屋防水的重点往往放在屋面、地下室、厨房、厕所等易产生积水的部位。   但笔者认为,随着国民经济的发展,建筑业发展迅速,高层建筑物成为发展趋势,建筑物的外墙亦应是房屋防水的重点,因为外墙渗水不但会影响房屋的使用功能,还严重影响建筑物的外观,同时维修上及其困难,但在实际的现场施工中,往往