Self-organized growth into colloidal crystals was carried out by injecting a 30% dispersion of low-dispersion silica globules into the capillaries, and the transmission spectra of the colloidal crystals were measured experimentally.The measurement results show that the columnar symmetry In the vertical axial plane of the capillary, the band structure does not change with the angle of incidence of the light and the spectrum is measured at a radial rotation of 360. In the plane containing the capillaries, The direction of the more violet shift of the band and the red bandgap in the direction perpendicular to the axis of the capillary The measured spectral results show that the colloidal crystal structure in this capillary is columnar symmetric and the dense row faces in colloidal crystals are parallel to the capillary In addition, the symmetrical colloidal crystals of this column are more stable than the low concentration of body-centered colloidal crystals.The axial symmetry of photonic bandgap properties will bring many potential applications.