比尔盖茨说过:传统银行若不改变,将是21世纪行将灭绝的恐龙.这句话借由招行行长马蔚华在2012年传播开来.咨询公司的人发现,银行老总们在决策银行研发和转型之前会去看苏宁、华为等传统企业的做法,这在牛气冲天的银行界是史无前例的.马云要进金融业了,马化腾和马蔚华要拼杀互联网.连神话基金经理王亚伟也不看好银行的未来了.未来银行成本会越来越高,利率越来越低.靠传统的存贷差“,”To the surprise of consulting firms,the domestic banks today are willing to study traditional companies before major decision makings.For the arrogant banks,this has never happened before.Why?As a fundamental change in the finance industry,the marketization of interest rate has overturned everything that traditional banks once relied on.The costs will be higher while profits will fall,and it might be impossible for the banks to survive on the traditional deposit-loan surplus in the coming future.On the other hand,the quick development of IT has redefined the modes of financial services: third-party payment organizations are quickly emerging,and people's consumption habits are also changing during the Internet times.The banks are in bad need of something new.A consulting case for Shandong City Commercial Bank Cooperation Union gave the global business services of IBM a real surprise.The union,consisting of 15 city commercial banks,intends to establish a comprehensive business system for multiple legal persons to raise their overall competitive power.This case has reminded IBM that even the relatively small regional banks could use large systems.And just by the end of 2012, Accenture launched the financial service innovation center in Beijing to demonstrate the prototype of its “next generation banks”:from the moment that a client walks into a bank,the bank will provide personalized services based on intelligent customer recognition.This all-in- one technical innovation plan covers a vast range of technologies,which are gradually becoming reality.The banks are not alone.As the blueprint for the future becomes clearer,a new ecological chain is gradually forming.In this coverage,we'll lead you through the viewpoints and proceedings of the banks and other relevant parties to foresee the “future style” of banking.