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上海虹口有一条弯弯的小河——沙泾港。沙泾港边有一条短短的小路——沙泾路。沙泾路上有两座列名上海市优秀历史建筑的“老房子”。2004年上海市公示第四批优秀历史建筑名单时,这样简述它们:“4F010工部局宰牲场宰牛场新亚集团产业(现闲置)沙泾路10号、29号1933。”这是两座本不该被遗忘,但人们已基本把它遗忘了的重要建筑物。75年前它们诞生时曾经轰动一时;岁月的灰沙却一度把它们尘封。直到两年前它们看上去还是那么破旧、怪异,差点被列入毁拆的对象。而现在,它被一群有心人从“旧区”垃圾堆里“捡”回来,拂开蒙在身上的尘埃,抖落出珍奇的本相,精心包装成一个全新的高级 Shanghai Hongkou has a curved river - Shajing Harbor. There is a short side of Shajing Harbor Road - Shajing Road. Sha Jing Road, there are two columns listed in Shanghai excellent historic buildings “old house ”. Shanghai 2004 announcement of the fourth batch of outstanding historical building list, so briefly describe them: “4F010 Bureau of Labor killed slaughterhouse Xinya Group Industry (now idle) Shajing Road 10, 29, 1933. ” This It is two important buildings that should not have been forgotten, but people have largely forgotten it. 75 years ago when they were born sensational moment; years of gray sand once they dusty. Until two years ago they looked so worn, weird, almost included in the demolition of the object. Now, it is a group of conscientious people from the “old area ” rubbish heap “pick ” back, brushing the dust in the body, shake off the rare nature, carefully packaged into a new senior