格郎央小黄粉蝶Eurema blanda(Eoisduval).是在格郎央等阔叶树种上发现的一种重要害虫,它以幼虫取食叶片,特别是取食刚长出的嫩叶、嫩芽,造成枝梢枯萎,在害虫大发生时将叶子全部吃光(见图1),严重影响树木的生长,甚至死亡。因此开展对格郎央小黄粉蝶的研究,有效地控制该害虫的发生,对发展阔叶树种有着重要的意义。现将我们两年来研究和观察的结果整理如下:
Eurema blanda (Eoisduval). Is an important pest found on broad-leaved trees such as Gland center. It uses larvae to feed leaves, especially young leaves and shoots that have just emerged. Withered, eaten all the leaves in the event of a pest (see Figure 1), seriously affecting the growth of trees, and even death. Therefore, carrying out research on the small yellow butterfly of Gelang Central and controlling the occurrence of the pest effectively is of great significance to the development of broad-leaved tree species. The results of our research and observations over the past two years are summarized as follows: