Conforming to the New Trend, CAEXPO Accelerates Digital Transformation

来源 :中国-东盟博览(政经版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:originalmemory
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  The Canton Fair, known as the “barometer” of China’s foreign trade, was held online for the first time, becoming a landmark which promotes the transformation and upgrading of exhibition industries in the epidemic. Since the year 2020 marks the Year of China-ASEAN Digital Economic Cooperation, the theme of the 17th CAEXPO has been determined as “Jointly Building the Belt and Road and Developing Digital Economy”, to better promote cooperation between China and ASEAN countries in digital economy.
  Epidemic accelerating the digitalization of the exhibition
  The epidemic in 2020 stimulated the development of new economic formats such as E-commerce, online offices and telemedicine. A study released by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in April pointed out that the global crisis brought by the epidemic further promoted the development of digital economy, improved the use of digital solutions, tools and services, and accelerated the digitalization of global economy.
  Take China and ASEAN countries for example, the epidemic not only promoted their online economic development, but also accelerated their international cooperation in digital economy. According to China Economic Daily, cross-border E-commerce and other new formats have grown significantly in 2020, helping to stabilize foreign trade under the epidemic. According to statistics, the import and export trade completed through the cross-border E-commerce management platform of China Customs in the first quarter of 2020 increased by 34.7%. The trade in goods between China and ASEAN also rose 6.1%. Obviously, it was inseparable from the strong support of cross-border E-commerce.
  In addition, the development of the digital economy and the impact of the epidemic have also accelerated the digital transformation of exhibition industries. The most typical example is that Canton Fair has been held online, in which the display of docking platforms, cross-border E-commerce zones and live marketing services is eye-catching.
  In order to minimize the impact of the epidemic on exhibitions and turn the crisis into an opportunity, the Ministry of Commerce of China in April issued 13 guiding opinions on innovation of exhibition modes and cultivation of new energy for the development of exhibitions.
  Therefore, no matter to serve the China-ASEAN cooperation in digital economy, or to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the exhibition, the 17th CAEXPO will make great strides in digitalization.   A new CAEXPO with new digital elements
  According to the CAEXPO Secretariat, agricultural exhibitions of the 17th CAEXPO will focus on the smart agriculture sector, set up E-commerce zones, introduce agricultural E-commerce platforms, agricultural big data institutions, etc., promote the docking of exhibitors and establish a presence in the E-commerce zone of agricultural products trading center in Nanning. At the same time, it will also combine live broadcasts and short videos to sell products.
  E-commerce, a product of the deep integration of information technology and commercial circulation, becomes a strong driving force which promotes the economic growth in various industries, while live broadcasts and short videos are the most popular E-commerce modes at present. The integration of E-commerce zones and live broadcasts in the agricultural exhibition reflects the active application of new technologies and the innovation of exhibitions in the CAEXPO.
  According to Hong Tao, chairman of the E-commerce Committee of Agricultural Products of China Agricultural Exhibition Association, in terms of the digital transformation of exhibition industries, first of all, it is necessary to have an advanced mindset and effectively use modern technologies. Secondly, we need to adopt a variety of live broadcast methods to showcase the new format of exhibition industries. Thirdly, innovating exhibition modes and applying a variety of exhibition scenes are important. Finally, we need to integrate displays and sales, thus generating better economic, social and ecological effects.
  In fact, as early as 2019, the 16th CAEXPO made full use of modern information technologies, to actively build the online CAEXPO, thus improving the capacity of digital services.
  In addition, in order to serve the China-ASEAN cooperation in digital economy, the 17th CAEXPO will set up a separate exhibition zone of “digital economy” for the first time in Advanced Technology Exhibition, one of the five main exhibitions.
  With the 17th CAEXPO approaching, more digital elements will be disclosed gradually. It is worth looking forward to a new CAEXPO with digital transformation.
2020年是中国—东盟关系持续高位发展的一年。先是东亚合作领导人系列会议的举行,到《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP)成功签署,再到各国领导人高规格视频参加第17届中国—东盟博览会,中国与东盟“朋友圈”的互动可谓非常活跃。  在第17届东博会举办前夕,中国共产党同东南亚国家政党首次对话会在广西南宁举行。会上,中国与东南亚国家政党就如何共抗疫情、共建繁荣、共赢未来等问题,提出了诸多意见和建议。 
Along with the increasingly booming construction of airports, expressways and high-speed railways in ASEAN, there is a rising demand for building materials in this region. China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO), a
自建立对话关系以来,中国—东盟关系持续深入。近年来,在“一带一路”倡议下,中国—东盟经贸合作也不断迈上新台阶,东盟在中国的外交格局中也显得更为重要……在这种背景下,广西的国别和区域研究力量也在茁壮成长,广西民族大学东盟学院(以下简称广西民大东盟学院)近期迎来了建院10周年的盛事。  广西民大东盟学院建院10周年庆典暨系列学术研讨会于11月21日成功举办。此次庆典及系列学术研讨会由广西民大东盟学院主
As the end of 2019 drew near, Thailand hosted two ASEAN summits under the theme “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability”. Looking at how the meetings unfolded, one may ask: what were ASEAN’s major e
多年来,中国与东盟建立了多层次的区域金融合作机制,并加强了本币结算、本币互换、清算行等多种形式的本币合作,切实地推动了中国—东盟金融市场协同发展。在国际金融局势不断变化的当下,中国—东盟金融合作再筑新台阶,刷新了一批数据纪录。  “东盟是中国重要的合作伙伴,中国跨境贸易人民币结算试点最早正是从东盟起步的,中国与东盟之间的货币金融合作正持续深化。”在17届中国—东盟博览会框架下举办的第12届中国—东
进入2020年以来,新冠肺炎疫情对各国经济带来了全面的冲击,但是似乎并没有显著影响到5G网络技术在全球的推广进度。正在努力成为东盟的数字创新中心的泰国,也于2020年2月进行了5G牌照拍卖,正式步入5G商用时代。  作为重要的数字基础设施,商用5G的到来让泰国5G应用市场成为一片蓝海,华为、小米等中国科技企业纷纷行动,但他们也面临着来自爱立信、诺基亚、三星等其他国家企业的竞争。  华为:在竞争中扩
广西民族大学(以下简称广西民大)是中国国家民族事务委员会和广西壮族自治区人民政府共建高校,曾入选《环球人文地理》中国9所最富有诗情画意的大学之一。建校至今,广西民大利用得天独厚沿海沿边和濒临东盟的区位优势,形成了“民族性、区域性、国际性”三性合一的办学特色,为中国—东盟各领域发展培养、输送了众多国际化创新型人才。  近期,在广西民大东盟学院建院10周年之际,本刊记者独家专访了广西民族大学校长谢尚果
上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司代表分享,2020年7月刚上市的五菱宏光MINI电动车累计销量已经突破67300台,超过特斯拉Model 3,成为又一“爆款神车”,收获一阵热烈掌声。这是2020年11月18日举办的第三届中国—东盟工业设计与创新论坛上的精彩一幕。  “在新冠肺炎疫情影响下,第三届中国—东盟工業设计与创新论坛的继续举办,体现了柳州发展工业设计的决心。”柳州市北部生态新区管理委员会主任汤振
新冠肺炎疫情对全球经济造成了严重的打击,印尼也未能幸免。这样的背景下,各大企业可以采取针对性措施来克服由此产生的各种困难。而对于印尼的中小微企业来说,它们面前也许并没有这样的选项。  疫情之下,许多新增或现存的中小微企业离关门大吉仅咫尺之遥。大部分企业现金流遇到了问题,或者简单来说,就是企业流失了大量的客源。  值得注意的是,尽管疫情暴发,各类中小微企业的数量不降反升。这可能会让人们误认为,中小微
中国—东盟自由贸易协定签署以来,中国—东盟建立起一种有韧性的互惠关系,在面对新冠肺炎疫情带来的挑战时,彰显了它的独特力量。  在中国—东盟自由贸易区(以下简称自贸区)全面建成10周年之际,第17届中国—东盟博览会在会期举办了中国—东盟自由贸易区全面建成10周年专题论坛。与会嘉宾着眼当下形势,进一步明确了自贸区建设的价值与意义,在回顾中获取未来发展的智慧,在展望中肯定昨日的伟大功勋。  自贸区“优惠