马克思主义与创作的关系问题,是马克思主义文艺理论中反复探讨的一个重大理论问题。在《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》(以下简称《讲话》)中,毛泽东同志在强调革命文艺工作者必须学习马克思主义的同时,着重指出: “学习马克思主义,是要我们用辩证唯物论和历史唯物论的观点去观察世界,观察社会,观察文学艺术,并不是要我们在文学艺术作品中写哲学讲义。马克思主义只能包括而不能代替文艺创作中的现实主义,正如它只能包括而不能代替物理科学中的原子论、电子论一样。”
The issue of the relationship between Marxism and creation is a major theoretical issue repeatedly discussed in the Marxist theory of literature and art. In “Speech at Yan’an Literature and Art Symposium” (hereinafter referred to as “speech”), Comrade Mao Zedong emphasized that Marxism must be studied by revolutionary art and literature workers. He stressed: “Learning Marxism requires us to use dialectical materialism And historical materialism point of view to observe the world, observe the community, observe the literature and art does not mean that we write philosophical handouts in literary and artistic works.Marxism can only include and can not replace realism in literary and artistic creation, just as it can only include It can not replace atomic theory and electronic theory in physics. ”