Case 1: female, 27 years old, suffering from “lymphadenitis”, oral Sanjieling capsule 6 capsules / day, (Beijing Tong Ren Tang Chinese medicine refinery production, approval number: 22-3229- 004017) medication that night, conscious facial redness, swelling, and gradually extended to the trunk, limbs, and accompanied by dizziness. June 20, 1999 to our hospital for emergency medical treatment. Past history of drug allergy. Admission examination: Bp: 100 / 60mmHg, T: 37.2 ℃, P: 120 beats / min, R: 22 beats / min. Whole body skin congestion, bilateral submandibular and 2 1 × 1cm large lymph nodes, soft, movable, with significant tenderness, pharyngeal congestion, tonsil enlargement. Heart, lung no abnormalities. Blood, urine routine is positive