
来源 :青海草业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cgm
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在环湖地区对8种中药材进行了为期两年的人工种植试验。试验结果表明:在生长季降水量340~380mm、日照时数1416.9~1419.2h、冬季最低气温-31.0℃的条件下,柴胡、大黄、麻黄和板兰根生长良好,并能安全越冬,可以推广种植;甘草和党参受春末夏初低温的影响较大,生长缓慢,且不能越冬;藏红花不能开花,不能种植;秦艽因种子质量问题未出苗。 Eight kinds of Chinese herbal medicines were conducted in the lake area for a two-year artificial cultivation experiment. The results showed that Bupleurum, rhubarb, ephedra and radix isatidis grew well in the growing season with the rainfall of 340 ~ 380mm, the sunshine hours of 1416.9 ~ 1419.2h and the lowest temperature of -31.0 ℃ in winter. ; Licorice and Codonopsis by late spring and early summer the greater the impact of low temperature, slow growth, and can not wintering; saffron can not flowering, can not be planted; Gentiana seed quality problems are not emergent.