
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wfn031641lpp
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Objective. - To evaluate the effects of analgesic overuse on endocrine function in patients with chronic migraine and medication- overuse headache (CM- MOH). Background. - Chronic migraine is frequently associated with an overuse of symptomatic medications. Drugs currently used in acute migraine attacks are associated with several endocrine effects. At present, the endocrine effects of medication overuse in chronic migraine patients are unknown. Methods. - Eighteen patients with CM- MOH, diagnosed according to the ICHD- II criteria, and 18 healthy controls received an intravenous administration of GHRH, hCRH, and TRH. Plasma concentrations of GH, TSH, ACTH, and cortisol were measured for a 90- minute period after administration of the specific releasing hormones. Results. - Hormonal basal concentrations were similar in both groups. GH response to GHRH was significantly reduced in patients with CM- MOH in comparison with controls. TRH induced a reduction of TSH concentrations only at the end of the test. After hCRH administration, ACTH and cortisol concentrations were significantly higher in cases than in controls. A significant correlation between duration of the disease and altered hormonal response was found. Conclusions. - Our study shows that both corticotropic and somatotropic functions are significantly impaired in CM- MOH patients and suggests a role for hormones in the development of chronic migraine. Objective-To evaluate the effects of analgesic overuse on endocrine function in patients with chronic migraine and CM-MOH. Background. - Chronic migraine is frequently associated with an overuse of symptomatic medications. Drugs currently used in acute migraine At present, the endocrine effects of overuse in chronic migraine patients are unknown. Methods. - Eighteen patients with CM-MOH, diagnosed according to the ICHD-II criteria, and 18 healthy controls received an intravenous Administration of GHRH, hCRH, and TRH. Plasma concentrations of GH, TSH, ACTH, and cortisol were measured for a 90- minute period after administration of the specific-release hormones. Results. - Hormonal basal concentrations were similar in both groups. GH response to GHRH was significantly reduced in patients with CM-MOH in comparison with controls. TRH induced a reduction of TSH concentrations only at th A significant correlation between duration of the disease and altered hormonal response was found. Conclusions. - Our study shows that both both corticotropic and somatotropic functions are significantly impaired in CM-MOH patients and suggests a role for hormones in the development of chronic migraine.
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