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  How deep is the meaning of one short word — homeland. And for each person this word contains something different, personal, special and something in common more significant. Thinking about homeland, we will think about the great, beautiful country where we were born, linking the concept of the Motherland with complex and interesting, rich and sometimes tragic history of his native land. We feel pride because we are part of this country and this great world. The love for the Motherland, we instill from childhood — parents, caregivers and teachers teach us.
  The stories about the major events, outstanding personalities, about their exploits and great deeds transmits from generation to generation . Therefore, thinking about homeland, we think about the heroes of the past and present, and about the famous writers, poets, musicians, artists. All of above mentioned is our history and our homeland.
  People who surround us in everyday life are also –Our Motherland. People who were born in the same edge, always close to each other, always will be better able to understand each other, it is easier to find common language and become friends. Because, perhaps, they have one thing in common — the country in which they were born, and that’s a lot!Is it because the people in another country are so genuinely happy to meet a fellow — anyone let further quite a stranger from his native country, hometown, home. But each of us has his home area — their own little home. This is the city, town or village, the street and the house where we were born, where took his first steps, spoke his first word, learned the first joys and the first offense. Maybe becoming older, we will be able to fully evaluate, understand, that we love our great Motherland, our country. Although in heart, of course, each of us already had a genuine love of his country. But I think that now is much closer to us, more and more clear that our Motherland — home of our parents, grandparents. Thinking about home, we think about early childhood. And in these moments I remember my mother’s hands, which helped me to firmly stand on their feet; familiar and unique smell of grandma’s pies just taken out of the stove; lullabies and mysterious and interesting children’s stories. I remember the little playful kitten in our yard, which I happily played. A gentle, warm feeling awake in my heart, when I look at the trees, which in childhood we planted with parents near the house.
  From an early age parents instill in me a love for mother nature. And now I’ll never pluck a delicate flower, not spook chirping on a branch birds. I want to preserve all this beauty, because in my power to help my Motherland. It’s hard to tell what kind of country is more valuable for person — small or large. It seems to me that a great and small homeland, are equally important and haunt. Moreover, it is an indivisible entire. The whole world around us — the whole homeland.   Homeland is very capacious content in its concept. It is embedded very deep and multifaceted meaning. And first, from where the Motherland begins for each person is his family, that is the most expensive and loved place. Then this concept is expanded in entire world, and one sees in homeland in the first place is the nature of their region. In the end, our homeland was created by nature and ancestors. And that nature is dotted with all its landscapes and natural beauty.
  Each of us have favorite places that we like since childhood, and with whom the person has its memories and associations. But what could be better than those memories that have survived in humans? Especially pleasant memories which associated with childhood.
  So first and foremost the homeland – those native paths which people walked, the familiar nooks and crannies, alleys, houses, parks, lakes and everything else, after all its associations and memories. With all of these begins the love for the Motherland – from their homes, which are close to everyone. Because the homeland itself, inseparable from nature and its beauty.
  Next is the reverence which we have to our ancestors, who lived and worked on this earth, ennobling their work and defending on the battlefield. And everyone should remember that homeland and his home region will always help him to gain physical and spiritual strength, whatever hardships he had in life. And erroneous is the identification of the homeland with the economic welfare of the state or regime in which we live. The concept of “homeland” is a much more sacred and spiritual concept. And this intention lives in the soul of each person.
  Each of us carries within him the love for the Motherland in two intentions. There homeland is a big country, there are the tens of languages, from which we know only one, there are thousands of cities, most of which we were not, hundreds of rivers in which we swam, and even a lot of seas that we have not seen.
  For the sake of prosperity of the Motherland, we work, for her sake endure hardships and willing to die defending its borders. The Homeland we love conscious love and consciously inspire our children a love for her.
  But each of us has also another homeland that no one teach us to love. And no need to teach. We love her, and unconscious love. This homeland is a small point on the map, the place where I was born I spent my childhood. Objectively speaking, no worse and no better than thousands of other places, but for me — unique, special and irreplaceable is homeland. The image of this country, its smells, its sounds people remember to the grave, even if he was a child and never returned. But back pulls the whole life. Away from it involves. Person should be happy even to hear the name of his homeland on the radio. There is no remarkable feeling like hearing a native speaker or accent among the crowd . And if person should talk with his countryman, will begin to ask each other, to remember their homes —at that moment person should do everything for his countryman. For outsiders we are just a simple person, we can not tell them an touchable stories about our homeland. Only poets have the ability to flash their love for their homeland on poems.   A question that want to ask everybody:is the love of country is an instinct?It etymologists answer resounding Yes. As it was clarified in experiments on migratory birds. Took of birds at different ages is not yet hatched, newly hatched Chicks, fledglings leaving the nest, young living with parents, young and slightly older adults, and transported from the place where was their parental nest to another. In new location of the experimental birds was delayed until the beginning of the autumn migration to wintering, hitched and released. And spring waited to both. It turned out that, to fly to wintering adult birds returning “home” (ie, whence they were taken). The behavior of young depended on age at the beginning of the experience. If they were transported at a certain critical age, they returned to “the native land” (i.e. from whence they were taken). If you do not have reached this milestone, they return to where they were released. So, birds have attachment to a particular place on earth is formed in childhood, at some critical age. Where they are at this age will be there and will be their homeland, which they will return to life. Capturing any images (in our case, area) of the brain in childhood and throughout his life the etymologists called imprinting — imprint in the emerging brain. Note that instinctive homeland — not necessarily place of birth, this is the place where passed the sensitive period of childhood. Now, the imprinting of the homeland have been studied in many animals — fish, turtles, birds, and mammals. Apparently, the same mechanism works in children around the age of two and below the age of twelve years.
  Grudging respect have for migratory birds because of their instinctive attachment to their homeland, the grove, the lake, the rock that they are flying thousands of kilometers, using for this the wonders of orientation. Even if the scientists imported their way out to the side. This pursuit is clear. I was wondered when I read that birds will not fly too far because of their homeland . Because if people had such ability they probably will go anywhere because of passion of traveling.
  【作者簡介】Yao Yujie, Class 1516 of No. 1 Middle School in Dingcheng District Changde City.
【摘要】思维导图是一种放射性的思考方式,其以一个中心词汇为起点,进行无数具有层次的分支,并图文并茂的让人类的思维变得具有可视性。本文基于初中英语的学科特点,针对思维导图在初中英语词汇教学活动中的应用进行分析,并总结具体的注意事项。  【关键词】思维导图;初中英语;词汇教学;应用  【作者简介】彭丽麟,广西柳州市铁五中学。  词汇属于英语学习的基石,也是培养学生听、说、读、写能力的前提条件,只有掌握
【摘要】当前,随着我国新课程教学改革进程的有序推进,高中英语词汇教学中词块法的应用,逐渐成为高中英语教学中的重要内容之一。高中英语,作为一门实用性较强的学科,对于培养学生的英语语言表达能力和写作能力,都具有十分重要的意义。而在高中英语课程学习中,词汇量是决定学生全面学习英语的最基本因素。本文将简要分析,高中英语词汇教学中词块法应用方面的相关内容,旨在进一步促进高中英语教学活动有效开展下去。  【关
【摘要】素质教育是大学英语教育的重要组成部分, 大学英语素质教育旨在培养学生的英语运用能力。本文试图探究素质教育与英语教学的内在联系, 使素质教育更好的融合于大学英语教学实践,进而培养具有创新精神和实践能力的高级人才。  【关键词】大学英语;素质教育;跨文化  【作者简介】班亚培,东北石油大学外国语学院。  【基金项目】文化育人·素质强国:大庆地区高校大学生英语文化素质的提高策略, 项目编号:DS
【摘要】高职高专英语教学更看重学生在实际工作中应用英语的能力,因此在教学中遵循“实用为主,够用为度”的原则,尽量使英语教学与工作能力、技能培养、求职应聘等衔接,符合用人单位的要求,实现学生在职业生涯上得可持续发展。学生的“学”和教师的“教”相得益彰,主要体现在教师的“教”上,在互联网 的背景下,建构主义理论的教学模式,相比较传统的教学,对网络、多媒体、智能手机有着更大的宽容,迎合了当前的互联网潮流
【摘要】近年来,随着基础教育课程改革的不断推行,英语课堂需要改变传统教与学的情况,倡导学生主动参与学习,提高交流和合作的能力。为此合作学习这种学习方法已成一种趋势。只有教师正确认识合作学习,及时做好准备工作,才能高效发挥小组合作的实效,真正落到实处,提高效率。本篇文章文主要论述小组合作学习的方式方法以及对初中英语课堂教学的影响,希望能有助于提高英语教学质量。  【关键词】小组合作;初中英语;影响 
【摘要】目前我国正在进行新课程教学改革,英语学科作为学生学习生涯中最基础的学科之一,如何对小学英语进行新课程教学改革以及如何提升其教学质量受到社会各界人士的重视。本文笔者将结合多年小学苏教版英语教学经历,以及近年来在小学英语教学与学生学习潜能激发的研究,提出一些自己的看法,供广大小学英语教学同行借鉴。  【关键词】小学;英语教学;潜能;激发;问题  【作者简介】夏冬梅,江西省抚州市南城县株良镇脊江
【摘要】得阅读者得天下,相信大家对这句话都不陌生,所以对阅读理解能力的培养,更是英语教学中的重中之重,这就要求我们英语教师进行认真探索如何实施有效的英语阅读策略,化繁为简,以提升学生的英语阅读能力。阅读策略并不是指略读、查读等具体的阅读方法和技巧,而是对阅读方法和技巧的充分认识、理解以及灵活选择和运用。  【关键词】英语阅读策略;化繁为简;充分认识;理解运用  【作者简介】张琼,浙江省宁海县西店镇
【摘要】 在经济全球化的大背景下,英语作为一种国际化的语言变得日益重要,英语学习与教学也成为公众关注的焦點。在英语学习和教学中我们接触最多的有两种英语,美式英语和英式英语。语言是文化的载体,了解和学习这两种语言的历史和发展背景对于语言学习者来说具有十分重要的意义。由于地理环境以及政治,经济和文化等众多因素的影响,英式英语和美式英语存在着许多差异,英语发音以及拼写还有用词和语法等方面都有差异。了解和