Brief review of recent research on blue phase liquid crystal materials and devices

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonathan
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Both polymer stabilization and bent-shaped molecule doping strategies are utilized to widen the blue phase range of liquid crystals. The molecular structures of compositions are optimized for high thermo-optical and electro-optical performances. A low temperature applicable blue phase liquid crystal with suppressed hysteresis is achieved. The bistability of one blue phase liquid crystal is investigated. Based on these materials, fast tunable devices such as gratings with polarization insensitivity are designed and fabricated. The materials and device designs demonstrated here are suitable in wide applications requiring fast response time. Both polymer stabilization and bent-shaped molecule doping strategies are utilized to widen the blue phase range of liquid crystals. The molecular structures of compositions are optimized for high thermo-optical and electro-optical performances. A low temperature applicable blue phase liquid crystal with suppressed The bistability of one blue phase liquid crystal is investigated. Based on these materials, fast tunable devices such as gratings with polarization insensitivity are designed and fabricated. The materials and device designs demonstrated here are suitable in wide applications requiring fast response time .
病历摘要例1 男,69岁。糖尿病史8年,手足麻木4年,空腹血糖12.0~15.0,尿糖(+)~(+++),尿蛋白(+)~(++)。1987年6月,右足第3、4趾出现水疱,并发感染,逐渐形成足坏死。同年8月在我院
我们应用从唇形科植物丁香罗勒中提取的丁香罗勒油(Oleum Ocimi gratissimi,主要成分丁香酚)配制的乳膏(商品名乐乐霜)治疗31例阴虱病患者,疗效满意,现报道如下。一、临床资料门诊患者男21例,女10例(其中1例妊娠6个月)。
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