介绍了一种基于Nandflash的低成本实时数据存储方案,建立DRAM缓存并向应用提供直接内存访问接口,建立内存数据与Nandflash中数据的动态映射关系,周期将内存内变化数据回写到Nandflash,实现了数据实时存储并且掉电不丢失,满足了电力系统控制保护装置变位、动作等重要事件存储要求,具有较好的推广价值。“,”This paper introduces a real-time storage scheme base on Nandflash.It supplys an operation interface like DRAM,and the data is compared and written back to the Nandflash periodical y according the mapping relation between DRAM and Nandflash.This data storage scheme is real-time and non-volatile,and it has been used for storing trip and event report in the control and protection devices.The scheme has good popularization value.