Conservatism Research: Historical Development and Future Prospects

来源 :China Journal of Accounting Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenjl12341234
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1.Introduction and Summary Over the last decade,there has been much empirical research on Chinese accounting conservatism.This research started with Ball,Robin and Wu(2000)that was one o the first papers to apply modern research methods to Chinese data.In this paper,survey the early research on conservatism to provide the background and context for discussion of my dissertation paper,Basu(1997).I describe some lessons I have learn from the unexpected success of my dissertation,review recent Chinese research on 1. Introduction and Summary Over the last decade, there has been much research on Chinese accounting conservatism. This research started with Ball, Robin and Wu (2000) that was one o the first papers to apply modern research methods to Chinese data. this paper, survey the early research on conservatism to provide the background and context for discussion of my dissertation paper, Basu (1997) .I describe some lessons I have learn from the unexpected success of my dissertation, review recent Chinese research on
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